Osprey Nationals - Day 3

Yee hahApproaching the leeward mark

Adrian, he who shall be obeyed got it absolutely right again keeping us all ashore until the breeze filled in just enough to run the sixth race. Tension was in the air in more ways than one, in the form of rolling fog and the unwanted attentions of a far of ship and menacing helicopter threatening to join the party. As we had become accustomed the line was perfect allowing the fleet to spread out evenly along its length, the main protagonists Andy Barker , Martin Cooney Tim Rush, Dave Wade and Phil Meakins dotted themselves along the start line with Barker at the committee boat end which turned out to be very fortunate for him when soon after the start he was forced to tack off right to the perfect side of the beat, Martin soon followed over to the right after being rolled by Richard Hartley.

The fog now started to close in making it difficult to see the windward mark Adrian in his usual calm way had arranged for rescue boats to be there to shepherd us up to the windward mark. Barker rounded first with Jock Fellows second and Martin third - the places stayed the same down the run and up the next beat Chris Gould then rolled Martin on the spinny hoist. Barker unmolested by the following boats who were all fighting each other for position sailed away to a commanding lead. Martin in the meantime overtook Chris and then Jock to finish second just before the finish Chris sneaked passed Jock to take the final gun.

After the AGM many sailors moved off to rethink strategy and compose themselves for the final day. The stalwarts of the class stayed on to compete for club and class in the the yard games. The Medway and Sheppy boys excelled themselves in the plank walking and paddle races. Thankfully there was only one minor injury that involved a broken toe nail and a grazed knee.

Steve "Barnie Rubble" Offer was the star of the games as they moved indoors after a review of the site specific risk assessment deemed it necessary to move onto a slightly more forgiving surface. Despite struggling somewhat in the agility pursuits, Steve excelled in the "diving into a large cardboard box" game. The game was not originally on the Nationals agenda, or any other I suspect, but it brought the house down and is sure to be a feature of future events at the club, assuming Steve turns up.

Submitted on 22nd July 2013