Ringstead BBQ Sunday 4th September

Submitted by mak200

The Club is organising the annual Ringstead BBQ next Sunday (4th September). There will be a race there and back for Squibs while cruisers and motor boats are invited to escort the fleet. Everyone is welcome to join what is very much a family event. Club boats are welcome to participate in this event and can be booked out using the usual procedures.
We will anchor off the south end of Ringstead beach by “Burning Cliff”.

Youth on Boats Update July 2021

In the last two years the popularity of YOB/cadets membership section of the club has rocketed. We have increased the sailing sessions and trained up more adult volunteers. However, in order to keep the sailing safe and well organised we have now reached a maximum capacity of over 35 cadets. There will however be spaces available for the winter season when some of the older YOBs leave us for university.

First Cruise This Year 2021

Submitted by nel1998

Well Lockdown no.2 has ended and restrictions have lifted, this means visiting ports again is allowed and we have a week off work and a trip to our favourite places in the Solent for a nice little break.

May B/H Cruise In Company to Swanage and Poole – This is What Cruising is All About!

With an excellent weather forecast in store for the late May Bank Holiday weekend, 6 boats set off for Swanage on the Saturday morning for the first of this seasons cruises in company.

YOBs - CoastWatch to Club - 10 April 2021

Submitted by hen1064

Our walk yesterday was a fantastic success- the weather gave us the perfect conditions and the YOBs and helpers were ready for the challenge. Our friends at CoastWatch waved each team off, the lovely Boatfolk at Portland Marina laid on hot chocolate and Easter eggs, and at the finish, the Club had donated soft drinks & snacks to join the delicious cakes that Daf Samways had baked for us all. Cash donations were received during the day taking our donation total to £2205, to be shared equally between CoastWatch and the YOBs.

Mupe Bay

Submitted by pburger

Good to be back on the water. Nice change from Lulworth Cove for a day trip. Pick a day when the range isn't firing!!

Introducing a Club-friendly approach to Health, Safety & Environment

Caz Dennet

I’ve recently taken up the post as the club’s Health, Safety & Environment Coordinator, yes, Weymouth Sailing Club now has one of these, but no need for alarm, so I hope you'll read on!

New Clubhouse Pontoon- The story so far.

Submitted by nik911

Following on from the success of the Cove Pontoon project, the Moorings and Yard team moved their attention to the vacant water outside of the Clubhouse.

The main aim from the onset was to provide a mooring with walk ashore access for the clubs committee boat, Viking.

2020 - What happened?!

Submitted by dal1980

Whilst the years often feel shorter than anticipated, it is not often the case that we can refer back to specific weeks (or even days) with a level of clarity that we can now. Like book marks in time, we all remember where we were when we watched The Prime Minister’s now infamous address to the nation and our feelings at his words that have etched themselves into our collective psyche: “You must now stay at home”. Doubtless too, we all recall Her Majesty’s reference to the late Dame Vera Lynn’s “We’ll meet again” in her unprecedented peace time address to the nation.

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