Stories from the Slipway 4 - Sloshing around in the Solent

Submitted by muy1275

It was my first cruise in Dulcibella since the delivery trip in May when with Duncan, my ‘volunteered’ crew, we motored for twenty two hours from Eastbourne in a 3 knot easterly! Despite my late entry Ray managed to get me a slot at Lymington for the Sunday night, as for Yarmouth on Saturday night; well you can’t book you just cross your fingers.

Bangers and cash

Submitted by daddsie

WSC has taken the decision to try and get back to the new normal, allowing members to dip in or out of events both sailing or social as they feel comfortable with.

Last Friday, the 5th of November, we had planned to have a bangers and mash evening in conjunction with the councils firework display.

All was good until Amanda our amazing chef went down with Covid.

However, the day was not lost as the crew of Rumrunner, with their history of catering ability, volunteered to step in and help out.

Stories from the Slipway 3 - Sleepless in the Swale

It was spring and time to introduce my girlfriend to the world of sailing. We had survived, I should say my relationship had survived, the near disastrous encounter with the bilge full of water. With an early summer sun warming us and a gentle breeze I proposed we use the weekend to sail across the Thames estuary to the Swale, moor off the Queenborough Yacht Club, have dinner at the Flying Dutchman and sail back on Sunday morning.

Tor Bay or not Tor Bay, that was the question.

Sometimes it doesn't go to plan, and sometimes the backup plan doesn't work either! So go prepared, and prepare for the unexpected also.

A few people have said they'd heard I'd had some challenges recently, so I thought I'd share the story for those who hadn't.

August B/H Cruise in Company to The Solent

Submitted by ray259

With a persistent High pressure system sitting over the North of the UK, and hence a moderate North Easterly and good weather forecast for at least a week, it was full sail ahead for our next WSC cruise in company to the Western Solent.

Stories from the Slipway 2 – Talking Bilge

Submitted by muy1275

Stories from the Slipway 2 – Talking Bilge

Youth on Boats Update - August 2021

Submitted by hen1064

The young sailors of the Club have been busy this month, starting with the Ringstead BBQ. Two of our more experienced YOBs sailed themselves over to the festivities whilst the remainder jumped onto the cruisers as crew. It was a fabulous day and everyone looks forward to the event next year when we hope to have more YOBs sailing over in the Feva fleet.

Cimbri in a Squib

Overfalls behind us

I had been wanting to do the Cimbri race in a Squib for ages ! In previous years the sailing conditions and opportunity had never aligned until last weekend. Celia and I had been around the Bill on passage to the West Country and back again on various yachts quite a few times however not on the same day and not on the same boat.

First Channel Crossing Cruise For Some Time

Submitted by ray259

1st July saw the Bailiwick of Guernsey opening their borders to visitors from the UK who'd received their double vaccinations. A plan was soon hatched for a cruise in company across the channel, the first for some in a long time. Four boats, Arcsine, Crystella, Nutcracker and Moonshadow all showed a keen interest on originally setting out on Saturday 24th July, however, as often happens, a sharp change in the weather outlook including storms on Saturday meant an earlier than planned Thursday departure gave the only possible weather window. Unfortunately, this ruled out Moonshadow from making the trip due to other commitments.

Allen Sailing OK UK National Championships

Submitted by gav14all

After 2 ½ years of waiting, including planning twice for the event; Weymouth SC finally got to host the 2021 (delayed from 2020) OK UK National Championship. With the attraction of the OK World Championship in Lyme Regis in 2023, 45 boats, including a number of high-profile professional, amateur, an Americas cup sailor, and 5 Weymouth Oks, gathered in the club yard on Thursday 5th August ready for 4 days of some great sailing in the bay.

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