Saturday Dinghy race

Submitted by JohnTonks

Great determination by the dinghies to get over the start line never mind the finish on Saturday but with 3 dolphins to keep us company it was not a complete wash out

Saskia meets Gitana17, a nuclear submarine and lots of dolphins

Submitted by mak200

After the lifting of quarantine with France on July 10th Rima and I decide to reinstate our annual cruise to the Atlantic French coast. On Saturday 11th July we left our mooring and waved to the club boats preparing for their trip to Swanage as we headed out for for L’Aber Wrac’h in Brittany.
We were unsure how we would be treated as one of the first British yachts in France but we need not have worried. We were made most welcome when we arrived and I was able to enjoy my favourite Breton beer on draft in the local Yacht Club.

Drheam Cup 2020

Submitted by steve

With RORC’s season cancelled for the first time in its history, the Drheam Cup event presented the only chance for most sailors to take part in an offshore race in this oddest of years, and so was well subscribed with nearly 100 boats entered.

Having volunteered back along before the lockdown to assist, I was keen to get across the Channel, even though, when the moment came and I could use a steady NW breeze off Portland to get the assymetric kite up, it still felt a bit strange - but I can recommend the Channel for social distancing!

Poole Jolly Cruise - Nearly Not So Jolly!

Crystella off Old Harry

With an almost perfect weather forecast taken down, it was Alchemy, Double Vision and Crystella that slipped their moorings on the Saturday morning for what should be a delightful weekend cruise in company to Poole. With clear skies, an already warming sun and a fresh northerly it wasn't long before we were clear of the sleeping cruise liners. As we all know, forecasts often have a habit of not sticking to the script, and so it was that the F3/4 gusting 5 was turning into F5/6 gusting 7 as witnessed by John Arnold on Alchemy's wind instrument hitting the 30 knot mark, time to reef!

Sunny Day Sailing

Submitted by daddsie

If you had been asked twelve months ago what Covid 19 was, your likely answer would have been is that a clinker built day boat?

Unfortunately we all know about the above named virus and are getting to grips with the new normal and all the encumbrance it entails.

Youth on Boats - July Update

The Youth sailors are delighted to be back on the water again and have taken advantage of the fine conditions to catch up on lost sailing opportunities. There are a number of new provisions in place from previous years, which everybody has happily accepted – the main change being that a pre-booking system is now in place. Not only does this ensure that we have sufficient boats and safety cover, but it also means we can use a bubble system for everyone’s safety.

Thursday evening

Submitted by sin269

Very welcome to see racing again on a perfect evening (except the wind shift)

WSC – Online E sailing.

Submitted by gav14all

Believe it or not, way back when, during the lockdown there was still some of us enjoying some sort of sailing activities, all be it in the virtual world. Weymouth Sailing Club, like many other clubs around the country in April and May, took to the online sailing game Inshore Virtual Regatta’s amazing offer of free online races within your own groups.

Covid-19 - Easing Lockdown - Stage 3

20 June 2020

1. The next series of measures to ease Club restrictions are detailed in this note. These Stage 3 easing measures take immediate effect.

2. All Members are reminded of the Club’s approach in that we will continue to follow the RYA’s principles, namely: we will always follow Government advice; and we will take a considerate and conservative approach. The Club regularly monitors and reviews the current RYA advice and this is reflected within the Club’s measures.

Marks go in with extra help

Dolphin escorting us to K

This afternoon four of our fixed marks were successfully deployed with a watchful eye from one of the Bay's dolphins.

Thank you to Euan, Tom, Harry and Flipper for helping.

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