It's November. Carry On Squibbing ....

Racing Squibs - but not at Weymouth

Ordinarily, on chilly Thursday mornings in November, most Squibbers can be seen shuffling along to the local public library for a read of the papers in the warm. Not so this season. Inspired by some glorious sailing during the October Thursday Morning race series, the Squibbers collectively decided to, …well, just carry on sailing in some Fun Races.

November Quiz Winners

Submitted by wsc.61

5 Lads and Debbie may not be the team name of the year, but having to make a decision 10min into the quiz, was all we could muster, not a good start. November quiz was the turn of the Gig Members to organise, and what a great night, to be greeted on arrival with Fish and Chips (pre ordered), bar fully stocked and the banter between gigs and sailing fully flowing, it was time for the serious stuff to begin. Our Bamber Gascoigne for the night was John (no not me) and his assistant Nadine who both fully admitted it was their first Quiz compering.

Coffee Morning in aid of Weldmar

Josie and Sharon serving guests

Josie and Sharon's Coffee Morning in aid of Weldmar raised a £419.93

Thanks you to all those who supported the event by bring cakes and eating them !


Maurice Wilkinson passed away last Monday.He was not a current club member but was well known among the older sailing community. His funeral will take place on Tuesday 13th November at the Weymouth Crematorium at 1430.

November Quiz

Submitted by wsc.61

On Friday 16th November the Rowing Club will be organising a fun quiz night and is hoping for similar success to the WSC quiz nights!

The Bar will open at 7.00pm, and the quiz will start at 7.30.

Entry fee for the quiz is £1/head.

A Year in the Life of Weymouth Sailing Club 1978

A Year in the Life of Weymouth Sailing Club 1978

Graham Perry from Weymouth Museum has posted an interesting video entitled A Year in the Life of Weymouth Sailing Club 1978 on the Club Facebook website. Link to this youtube video here.

Time to hand over

Submitted by MickRS200

At the YOBs AGM this year I officially handed over the leadership to Steve Staples after nearly 15 years working with the youngsters in our club. I have seen some very impressive young sailors pass though and am pleased to see many of them still members of the club, with two of them now yacht owners.
It is time for a new leader with fresh ideas and enthusiasm which I am sure Steve has. Daf and I will still be apart of Yobs but with Steve leading the way.
We wish him and the band of helpers best of luck in the future and are sure he will take the Yobs to a new level .

2018 Halloween Party - Saturday 27th October

Submitted by Tracy Riches

Come and join in the spooky fun this year, with disco, games and ghoulish treats in store!

Fancy dress competition with prizes for adults and children.
Pumpkin carving competition for all ages and all sizes of pumpkin.

Please bring a plate of food to share.

All welcome from 6pm.

Whyboats YCW Weymouth Regatta

Submitted by kathyC

We were blessed by excellent condition, really competitive racing sailed on interesting courses. Initial feedback is that everyone enjoyed an excellent regatta, but if you have any further feedback please email the Chairman on in the next week if poss before our washup meeting.

Sailing 'Crazy Goose' in the Double de Normandie

Submitted by steve

When the boat behind appears to be featuring in a sort of meteorological apocalypse, it's a good moment to drop the kite. 'On affale, en urgence!' I shouted forward to Georges, who did just that. We were approaching the buoy anyway, and the 30-knot squall hit just as we rounded...

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