Woolly hats and suncream for La Weymouth

Submitted by steve

These essential items typify the weather for the last few weeks as the anticyclone continues - wintry nights and glorious sunny days, with capricious winds to boot. The forecast for la Weymouth was flat calm, though clearly sufficient libations had been poured for the gods to smile on us; as the boats gathered for the start, a breeze filled in from the east and we were off upwind to la Truite in the passe de l’Est, then to bear away a bit for Weymouth on the kind of reach which makes sailing the Channel such a pleasure.

RYA sailing tuition and coaching

Submitted by MickRS200

The next scheduled RYA training course is planned for Saturday 8th and Sunday 9th June. This course is aimed at Level 1 and level 2 Dinghy sailing.

This is only open to members. Membership can be obtained by accessing the link on the home page of this web site.

This course will suit either novices or yacht crew that would like to know how sailing works.

SORC visit

Submitted by she

The Solo Offshore Racing Club made a visit to WSC on Saturday night 12 May. They are a group of sailors based in the Solent who race their boats single-handed in a series of off-shore races. The first leg from the Solent on Friday night was in very light winds making it a tortuous trip and several boats turned back. Those who carried on arrived in Weymouth, mostly under motor, during Saturday afternoon.

News from Normandy

Submitted by steve

A quiet Sunday aboard, and it seems a long time since I left Weymouth ten days ago. A pleasant crossing mostly under engine left plenty of time for reading, though a thermal breeze allowed me to arrive under sail as one should, and in time to race aboard the Sigma in the CNC Thursday series, when we came second by a few seconds. It felt good to be back with Thierry and his crew after a long winter in England.

Squib Regatta at Oulton Broad

Aerial filiming at Oulton Broad

The reason we weren't at the squib dinner last Saturday is because we slogged the 280 miles to Oulton Broad/Lowestoft for the Broadlands Regatta. It was great fun and good sailing.

6 Nauti Girls go sailing

Submitted by Charlotte

6 Nauti girls go sailing... (see what I did there?!)

Last Sunday 11.15am; 5 of us girls headed to the pontoon to meet Kathy and ‘Arcsine’. This was a chance for a few of us female sailors to have some expert tuition without the time constraints that happen all too often during racing.

Yacht Clubs of Weymouth Yacht Regatta Entry

YCW Regatta 2015

The sun is shining and there is great news re Y.C Weymouth Yacht Regatta, you have till April 2nd to enter for HALF price!, see www.weymouthregatta.uk/register

Atlantic Deep Sea Challenge

Waiting for the weather in Spain

Club members Anthony Sargent and Neil Montague have avoided the recent snow by spending 5 weeks sailing across the Atlantic : Antigua -> Azores -> Baiona -> Portsmouth
Here's the blog which is well worth a read Challenger blog
Latest position

RYA Day Skipper course success

Submitted by chs815

Making use of the long winter evenings, twelve members of WSC have successfully completed their RYA Day Skipper shore-based course. This is a sailing theory course to equip aspiring yacht skippers with the knowledge to sail inshore passages safely.

Gin Tasting

Submitted by chs815

Would you like to come to a gin tasting? The response from Weymouth Sailing Club members was an emphatic ‘yes’, and Saturday’s event was a sell-out.

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