Squib National Championship

Submitted by wsc.61

WSC is hosting the Squib National Championship between 24th and 30th June, on behalf of the National Squib Owners’ Association (NSOA). This annual event was most recently staged in Weymouth in 2009 and 2016, so many members will know what to expect. It’s a full-on, colourful, vibrant, sailing festival, briefly injecting both the Harbour and the Club with all the energy, hustle and bustle associated with a major sporting event. So far, about 70 boats have entered which will bring around 180 enthusiastic sailors and their supporters to our Club for the week.

The Transmanche is back - 70 French sailors visit WSC!

Submitted by steve

After a gap of four years, the sight of fifteen French yachts moored together on the other side of the harbour was most welcome, demonstrating that the Cherbourg-Weymouth Transmanche event is well and truly back!

First evening race

Submitted by Tim Day

Thursday saw the first evening’s racing of the 2023 season. A steady westerly breeze of 21 knots and flattish waters greeted the 11 keel boats who raced. With sunset at 2000 the slower boats reached harbour under a darkening sky.
Tim Day

Longshed Spring Clean!

Submitted by ali2012

Many hands make light work as they say, as a band of volunteers turned up to help with the well overdue job of tidying up the longshed!

Store cupboards were emptied of old debris, some of which got relocated to other areas of use and some disposed of. A few items were simply moved around and tidied up to make better use of the space available.

Fire Safety on your boat!

Submitted by ali2012

Do you know what type of fire extinguisher you should carry on your boat?
Are they in date and do you know how to use them?

Well, you do now!

Cruiser Class Dinner & Prize Giving 2023

Submitted by jon1263

The Cruiser Class Dinner and Prize Giving 2023 will be held at WSC on Saturday 1st April 2023 starting at 7pm.

For any of you not fortunate enough to have picked up a trophy this time, come along and see what you could have won.

Amanda has provided a delicious menu for us again this year. Tickets are available to purchase from https://wsc.org.uk/ccd23, so please log in and save your place. Book early to avoid disappointment!

Fleet Footed

Submitted by daddsie

An early morning walk around the Fleet on a Sunday morning may not be everyone's cup of tea, but we saw the sun, which recently has been sadly lacking.

The club walks ably organised by Jill Vines, reached its zenith with the final walk of the year.

Meeting at the Army's Bridging Camp entrance on the aptly named Camp Road in Weymouth, 12 club members and two dogs set off for a six mile circular walk around the fleet lagoon, Haven Holiday Park, Chickerell firing range, Chickerell camp and East Fleet Farm.

What a Shambles

Submitted by pburger

I had only stayed at the club to be available to help lift Viking out into the yard, however, I'm glad I did as Sunday afternoon turned into a wonderful sailing day.

Squib / Dinghy Class Dinner & Prizegiving

Submitted by cea250

The combined Squib & Dinghy Class dinner and Prizegiving will be held at the club on the 4th March starting at 6.30pm.

There are delicious menu options, so please log in and click on the link to make your choices by Sunday midnight 26th Feb.

Art Day and Cheese & Wine tasting Sat 18th February

Submitted by ali2012

The club successfully hosted a day of Local Art at the Club, featuring our own members...

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