What a Turn Out!

andyMonday 21st June saw the best dinghy turn out for a very long time. 16 started the race which was the largest fleet of the evening, even bigger than the Squib fleet! A fantastic mix of boats and helms made a great sight.  The Merlin Rockets are now becoming the fastest growing fleet again in the club with our newest Merlin "Smart Tart" winning.  Most of the cruisers and dinghies seemed to arrive back at the harbour at the same time, which led to some interesting manoeuvres as dinghies tacked up the harbour.  Nick Frampton managed a capsize at the entrance in amongst the fishing lines off the pier which even got him a cheer from the fisherman.  Always good to have a laugh at the end of a race.

Picture of Andy Young on his RS 700

Record Number of Weymouth Boats Prepare For Round the Island Race 2010

rtiThis year there are 15 Weymouth yachts entering the annual dash around the Isle of Wight on Saturday 19th June. With over 1700 total entries the day is always a spectacle. Weymouth entries are a cross section from all the local sailing clubs from the 21 foot Etap 'Echo' to the 46 foot Grand Soleil 'Keoma' and with young Arthur aged 3 on Draig O'r Mor doing his fourth Round the Island and Mike Conroy on Seraphim entering a veteran crew. Weymouth Boats entered are:-

Sapphire, Rattler, Manana, Mojo, Draig O'r Mor, Crew Cut, Tumba Rhumba, Loo-Lah, Echo, Mistress, Keoma, Crazeology, Jasrah, Seraphim, Syrenka

Cherbourg YC visits Weymouth


Yacht Club de Cherbourg contacted WSC to ask if they could hold their post Transmanche Race get-together in the club. The group arrived in the habour at lunchtime on Sat 12 June.  Steve Fraser was on hand to greet them in the club and 'Pippa' became a committee boat on Sunday morning for a very early start to their race back to France.
The YCC race back to Cherbourg started from a line at X and included a short windward leg to D mark in perfect conditions with a light, shifting breeze.
The club is hoping to organise a cross-Channel event with YCC for next year.
For more pictures of their stay in Weymouth. http://picasaweb.google.fr/yc.cherbourg/TransmancheWeymouth2010#

Toe in the Water

toe_in_the_water_group_shotFollowing Steve White's visit to the club for the cruiser class dinner, he offered members the chance to experience the thrill and the hardship of sailing an Open 60.

Five keen boys and one keen girl met at The Boat That Rocked early one Saturday morning recently to take on the Open 60 and pop over to Cherbourg.

Mark and Rima's wedding

mark_and_rimaHas the club ever hosted the wedding reception of its Commodore before?

On Friday 4 June in glorious sunshine Mark and Rima Bugler arrived in the club to join friends and family to celebrate their marriage.  The club's safety boat resplendent with balloons and bunting and accompanied by Nigel Lawrence playing the accordian brought the happy couple across the harbour.

In his speech Mark thanked all the club members who had helped set the tables and decorate the Longshed for the reception and particularly Daphne Samways who created the cake in the shape of Saskia V.  The happy couple have set off on their honeymoon in Saskia V cruising the Normandy coast.

The club wishes them many years of happy sailing together.


Friday the 28th May, Richard and Mary Reddyhoff joined the YOBs (Youths on Boats) to name the new safety boat. Dean and Reddyhoff Marinas donated the money to the YOBs so they could buy the boat and trailer.  They can now get more youngsters on the water with this extra safety cover.michelle

Mary named the boat "Michelle" because she was impressed with the amount of time Michelle Samways puts in to helping with the YOBs.  Michelle runs the safety cover for the YOBs and also looks after the RIB at Dean and Reddyhoff's Portland Marina amongst other duties.
Mary told the youngsters she hoped they appreciated the time that the YOB helpers give up to make sure they get to go sailing. 
Picture of Richard Reddyhoff (Dean and Reddyhoff Marinas), Mary Reddyhoff, Mark Bugler (Commodore WSC) and Rima Bascombe with some of WSC YOBs.

Reception for Skandia Team GBR

sparky_mark_burgeeThe British sailing team joined Weymouth Sailing Club members for a drinks reception on Tuesday 18 May 2010. 

60 sailors and back up staff from Skandia Team GBR spent the evening chatting with members and enjoying the warm evening sun.

RYA Olympic Manager Stephen Park gave a presentation to the gathered club members and told them about the plans for 2012 and how it will affect Weymouth Sailing Club.

Commodore Mark Bugler thanked Stephen and the team for coming to the club and presented them with a club burgee.

Sailing stars unveil new crane

crane_teamThe 2012 Olympic and Paralympic sailing events may still be two years away, but Weymouth and Portland’s sailors can already see the benefits thanks to investment in a new crane at Weymouth Sailing Club.

Officially commissioned on Tuesday 18 May by the Royal Yachting Association’s Olympic Manager Stephen Park OBE and Britain’s Beijing 2008 sailing medallists, the crane is the only one of its kind in the port of Weymouth.

Funded through sponsorship from Skandia Team GBR, Yachting New Zealand and the French Sailing Federation, the crane will provide a tangible and lasting legacy for local sailors.

Rear Admiral's Cup 2010

start_line_folioGood brisk winds were perfect for the first race of the Rear Admiral's Cup.  The RAC is an interclub competition for the four yacht clubs in Yacht Clubs of Weymouth.  Each club is represented by three yachts and there are three races - 15 May, 5 June and 27 June.   Boats sailing in the WSC team are Paul Barford in Sole Bay, Jez Rees in Farr Out and Chris Olding in Folio.  Provisional race results after the first race Rear Admiral Race results race 1 

Race results 2 and 3 RAC races 2 and 3

Launch of the new upstream Squib pontoon

pontoon_1The new pontoon was lifted in on Tuesday 20th April and secured to its piles above the lifeboat.  A small army of volunteers joined the two halves of the smart new steelwork, bolted on the new floats and finished the decking in the yard, while the crossbeams were slid in place once the pontoon was on its piles.  All went well, and everything fitted together, if sometimes reluctantly.  Even the crossbeam that inadvertently fell onto one end of the pullover failed to sink it - just!
Tuesday was the culmination of many weeks of steelwork, carpentry and painting by a dedicated band of helpers organised by John Croydon.
How many clubs have the will, talent, facilities and machinery, and financial resources  (and luck with the weather) - to undertake such a project effectively?
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