Members support club

commodore_at_decorating_weekendEven though the sailing season has come to a temporary halt the club has been chock-a-block with members.  A Quiz Night organised by Lynn and Ray Capp on Thurs 21 January saw a turnout of 60 members forming teams to compete in a very closely fought competition.  This very successful evening will be repeated on Thurs 18 Feb and 25 March.  Details will be sent out later.

Photo: The Commodore Mark Bugler gets stuck in at the Maintenance and Decorating weekend - see Read More

Squib walk


For the second year in succession the Squib Walk, held last Sunday 17th Jan. was blessed with beautiful sunny weather despite heavy rain and fog on the days before and after. Eight people enjoyed a pleasant 2 hour walk over the hills surrounding Plush. Some of us were glad to be able to take a breather while the group stopped to admire the  fantastic views from the hill tops.

After the walk we enjoyed a delicious lunch and a drink at the Brace of Pheasants.
The next walk will be Feb 21st  more details to follow

Colin Hammond and Caroline Nairn

Prizegiving Dinner Dance


The 90th Weymouth Sailing Club Annual Prizegiving took place last weekend at the Riviera Hotel attended by 150 members plus guests. Guest of honour, was Weymouth and Portland Mayor Anne Kenwood with Commodores and partners from Castle Cove SC, Royal Dorset YC and the Royal Naval Sailing Association making up the top table.

After enjoying a four course meal, club Commodore Mark Bugler thanked Melita Biggs for her work as Commodore and praised the work of volunteer members both in their labours and technical ability for delivering and enhancing facilities at the club.

Mark meets the YOBs

YOBs prizegiving 1 Mark Bugler had his first official duty as Club Commodore on Friday the 8th January giving out the trophies at the 3rd YOBs prize giving party.

There was a good turn out of youngsters and their owners, which was surprising considering the freezing conditions .
The evening started with the Prize presentation with 14 cups and trophies to be presented, including new awards many of which have been through the skilled hands of Peter Jacobs, who mounted and varnished the bases of our new trophies. 
Tom Rees and Merrick Rayner managed three cups each with Tom pointing out after, that it was his crewing skills that helped Merrick win one of them.  Yes - our Yobs are growing up competitive, just like the rest of us, next I'm sure they will be discussing handicaps!. 

New Year's Day racing


With the race open to all, eight boats lined up off X mark for the beat to C. A technical sausage/triangle course set by Steve Dadd using Rumrunner as the committee boat witnessed the prettiest boat in the club suffering the ignomy of having a broom lashed to a stantion with an orange flag tied to the top signifying one end of the line, as her mast had been removed the day before.

Photo:  Saskia V sails up the harbour to the finish line

Club burgee goes to Bilbao


Having been presented with the Maite de Arambalza Trophy for being the highest placed female skipper in the 2009 Fastnet Race, I received a lovely letter from Mr Anders de Arambalza.
He explained that he had donated the trophy in memory of his mother and requested a burgee from my sailing club which would be displayed in a collection of Club shields, burgees etc being built up in the Maritime Museum of Bilboa.
So if anyone visits Bilboa, perhaps you'd like to hunt down the WSC burgee and photograph it in situ.
Kathy Claydon

Boxing Day Racing

Festive trimming with Santa's Little Helpers For those that ventured out on Boxing Day the racing did not
disappoint.  Conditions were near perfect
with a 14-20 knot SW breeze with sunshine, mild(ish) temperatures and flat seas.  Mark Bugler, acting as both the Race officer
and new Commodore, set a very good course for both classes – Squibs and Cruisers
– with the finish line outside the Clubhouse.

Trophy Winnners


Presentations of trophies took place after sailing on Sunday 20 December.  Winner of Squib Autumn and Winter series was Dave McCune and Edwin Page in 'Inky Finger'; winner of IRC Autumn and Winter series was Mike Street in J24 'Jacobite' and for PY was Paul Barford in 'Sole Bay'.

New Commodore

commodore_flag_handover2Despite wintery weather 89 members gathered at the Annual General Meeting of WSC on Saturday 5 December to welcome Mark Bugler as their new Commodore.  The outgoing Commodore Melita Biggs said in her report that it had been a very busy and successful year and she thanked the members of the committee and all other volunteers for supporting her.  Mark told the members that there were some very exciting times ahead and he was looking forward to his time in office.

Stephen Fraser was elected Vice Commodore, Mike Jury Rear Commodore Yards and Moorings and Brian Dodge Rear Commodore House.

Photo; Melita Biggs presents Mark Bugler with a Commodore's Burgee.


Tree Planting World Record

tree_plantingWeymouth Sailing Club was well represented at the Guiness Book of Records world record attempt at planting trees within one hour.  The tree planting in the Nothe Gardens was organised by The Friends of the Nothe in association with Weymouth and Portland Borough Council.  Well over 100 people spent a couple of hours on Saturday morning 5 December digging and planting.  The event was organised by WSC club member Mary Citrine.  Photo:  Peter Jackson, Celia Rushton and Iain and Adam Jones.

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