YOBs hang about at the Sea Cadet Centre

yobs_at_sea_cadets_2Tuesday 15th February saw a group of familiar looking YOBs hanging about at the National Sea Cadets Centre in Barrack Road. We were invited to take a small group of our cadets to try their new climbing wall, so we took some of our trophy winners and the most regular youngsters to give it a try. Instructors James Shuttleworth and Tony Elgar put the YOBs though their paces with all of them reaching the top 2 or 3 times each - even YOBs coordinator Phil Samways got there.

St Agatha's Feast

cakeMembers and guests celebrated Saint Agatha's Feast at the club last Friday with a superb meal provided by chef Pete & Ali. Saint Agatha is the patron saint of breast cancer and £111 was raised through a prize draw in aid of the charity Breast Cancer Care .
Many thanks to all those who donated prizes including Bussells, Perry Marine, Kingfisher Marine Value House & the Granby Fun Factory. Many members donated prizes as well as buying tickets and the whole evening was deemed a great success.

Special thanks to Chris who baked the gloriously detailed basque cake (in photograph).

Cruising Evening

cruising_evening_oyster_shotMembers and friends enjoyed a sumptious feast at the club courtesy of Chez Barlow's to round off another annual cruising evening get together. Like a number of social function at the club, this is quite organic and has taken on a completly different form to what it was just five years ago. This event is a three dimensional experience, with laptops showing videos, the sound system playing traditional music (not Plastic Bertrand) whilst consuming escargot, oysters, moules, frites and fromages all washed down with some great wines and the chance to sit and chat with like minded explorers.


Vestibulum ante ipsum primis

Submitted by ian250

Cras ut mauris urna. Suspendisse ut ultricies diam. Fusce dapibus tristique enim, eu condimentum libero ornare id. Sed mollis ultricies nunc a consequat. Ut posuere vulputate mi et commodo. Duis imperdiet odio nec dolor iaculis condimentum porta eros laoreet. Phasellus eu neque erat, eget volutpat ante. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. In nunc dolor, ullamcorper a cursus iaculis, congue ac risus. Fusce sit amet dolor elit. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Duis feugiat, neque vel volutpat mollis, sem magna sagittis est, et rhoncus libero diam ac magna.

YOBs Bingo

yobs_bingo Yet again the YOB's volunteers have organised a successful fundraising event. After postponement due to icy and snowy weather in December we wondered if people would venture out in yet another cold evening to the annual fundraising prize BINGO at the Centenary Club run by Sylvia Spavins (my grandmother). And yet again the kids, parents, friends and Centenary Club members turned up for a few hours of ‘Eyes Down’ with a mid-game raffle.

Photo Phil and Daphne Samways with YOBs captain Alice Perrett 

WSC Annual Prizegiving and Dinner Dance

trophy_winners_smallWhat a great evening!  After the original venue was cancelled unexpectedly, the  organisers Josie and Steve Dadd and Sharon May rearranged the annual prizegiving evening on Saturday 15 January 2011 at the Weymouth Pavilion Ocean Room.  Club members joined in with enthusiasm and voted the evening a huge success.  Photo:Trophy winners show off their silverware


YOBs take over club

yobs_prizegiving_2011Friday 7th January saw Weymouth Sailing Club taken over by the YOBs (Youth on Boats) for their Annual Prize Giving.  The evening was very well attended by youngsters and their families.  Cups and trophies were presented by the club Commodore Mark Bugler, who first explained to the youngsters how to tell the difference between a Commodore and the Condor Ferry after a recent survey revealed that many of them did not know.

Boxing Day Race

boxing_day_2010With temperatures below freezing, the annual Frostbite and Icebreaker Trophy Races lived up to their names.  The traditional Boxing Day racing always attracts a good turn out of boats and supporting club members to cheer them on.  This year a turnout of 17 boats ventured out into the cold.

The winning cruiser was Ricky Bruton in Sapphire, second was Phil Hedley in Spindrift and third was Joel Howard Wood in Excalibar.  In the Squib fleet Dave McCune and Edwin Page in Inky Finger managed to hold their lead despite going aground in the harbour, and were closely followed by Iain Jones and Vernon Taylor in Speculator.

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