New fork lift

new_fork_lift2WSC took delivery of a new fork lift truck this week.  The old fork lift which is now considered 'a museum piece' will be put up for sale and it is hoped that a collector will be interested to renovate it.

Working parties continue to renovate club moorings in wintery conditions.  One of the Squib pontoons will be replaced before next season.  In cold winds and rain showers, a team started this week to dismantle the old framework and arms.work_to_squib_pontoons

'Thank you' lunch


Weymouth Sailing club said a big 'Thank You' to its hard working volunteer members who have given their time freely in order that the club could carry out a mammoth amount of civil engineering work over past six months. A lunch was thrown at the club in their honour to acknowledge their efforts.   Vice Commodore Mark Bugler addressed the lunch and said that he was proud of their efforts and that their achievements were astonishing.

£400 cheque donated to Chesil Trust


Peter Hopford has presented a cheque for £400 from Weymouth Sailing Club to The Chesil Trust. The cheque was accepted on behalf of The Chesil Trust by John Harvey.  The money was raised during the 2009 National Squib Championships held at Weymouth Sailing Club in July by asking the Squib sailors for donations for the free coffee and tea provided during the week.  The coffee and tea were donated by Clipper Teas.

Firework Night Party

The annual firework night party raised £110 for the Weymouth lifeboat.  Members took over the galley and produced burgers, hot dogs and potatoes in their jackets to the attendant crowd who enjoyed the display from the club house.  The club's old and new branded clothing was on display and orders were taken for the new stock and brisk business was done on the reduced rail.

musto_shootOn the subject of clothing, the club was visited on the same day by models, make up artists and photographers from Musto. Keen to jump on the high street clothing bandwagon, their requirement was a photo shoot in a traditional sailing club rather than the sterile surroundings of the academy,so when the new Musto catalogue hits the floor see if you can spot familiar backgrounds, and Oh! the lovely blonde bouncing around the yard on one of the clubs spacehoppers!

New mooring chains


A small band of volunteers have successfully laid the new moorings chains which were acquired from the Studland ferry. They had to be cut to size, marked up and laid then railway wheels attached at each end with the riser chains fitted for the trots - sounds simple?  Read on! 

End of Season Party


The main sailing season ending with a 1970's themed evening at the club.  Guests were welcomed with a glass of Mateus Rose or Black Tower before sitting down to an appropriate meal that included prawn cocktail, Coq au vin and Black Forest gateaux.  The opportunity was taken to model the clubs new line in branded clothing, before the evening's activities of space hopper racing and dancing to a 70's disco that had everybody on their feet.

Autumn Series

Close racing at the windwark markThe Autumn Series is well under way presenting a mixture light and windy conditions.  Last Sunday saw a brisk 25-30 knot WSW wind, but with sunshine and a flat sea some fun sailing was enjoyed by over 25 keelboats.

Draig and Sapphire enjoyed some close racing in perfect conditions.

Welcome to new galley team


We extend a big welcome to Peter and Ali as our new club chefs.  Although we welcome them to their new role in the galley, they are already well known to club members as skipper and crew of ‘Smokey 3’.   

The galley is continuing to open on Friday and Saturday evenings with an a la carte menu.  There will be a good selection of snacks at weekend lunchtimes with the addition of a roast lunch on Sundays.

Club members and guests are encouraged to support the new galley team.  

New crane is underway

dscn1012The cylindrical support base for the crane was manoeuvered into place with skilful handling of the Wise machine by Peter Staff and his team.  The base weighed 1.6 tonnes and needed a lot of careful thought and planning to move into position without incident.dscn1017 




 Read on to see how the base structure to support the crane was constructed.

Clive Connor

chicaneSaturday 12th September saw the official naming of "Chicane" the YOBs Wayfarer.  Jean Connor doused the boat with the traditional bubbly before the YOBs had their last sailing get together of the season.

Clive Connor

The YOBs wayfarer “Chicane” was purchased with funds donated by Clive Connors family and aptly named after Clive’s first boat.  Unfortunately Clive died in October 2004 aged 52 of renal cancer therefore not many of the younger sailors will know who he was, so courtesy of his family here is a short history of his time in the Club.  

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