Hard work

workersA working party of club members have been lucky to have a good slot of weather to complete work started earlier in the season.  In June work was started to tidy up the bank at the rear of the yard, remove a tree and put down rolled stone to form a hard standing.  It has provided much needed extra dinghy space throughout the summer and combined with the removal of the old air raid shelter has giving the club 5 extra boat places for winter storage.  

The hardworking team have now concreted in steels and slotted railway sleepers in between to form a new retaining structure. 

Well done to Alan McDine, Ray Capp, Eddie Harper, Mike Keen, Richard Groves, Steve Pitman, Mike Jury and Vernon Taylor.


Dean and Reddyhoff donation to YOBs

d_and_r_donationDean and Reddyhoff Marinas have nominated the YOBs to be the recipients of the funds raised from their annual Berth Holders Party to help us buy the extra safety boat needed to get more youngsters on the water.  We hope to purchase a similar boat to the 'Jaffas' the Laser School currently use.  They have confirmed the amount raised was £1,690 which will go a long way to getting the new boat.  Many thanks to them and the staff for their support.
The cheque was presented to Daphne at the Southampton Boat Show on Saturday 19th September by John Heppell, the Assistant Manager at Portland Marina

Squib South Coast Championships 2009 - Dartmouth

The fleet of 39 Squibs at the South Coast Championships over the weekend of 12/13th September were treated to a superb weekend of close quarter racing in wonderful conditions as well as a huge welcome by hosts the Royal Dart Yacht Club.


 Four Weymouth boats, Aldebaran, Ghost Rider, Hussy and Posh Totty, made the trip.

Conditions at the club on the Saturday morning felt quite benign but a trip for yours truly in a rib to check conditions were suitable revealed a North Easterly Force 5 and a large, steep swell coming in from Lyme Bay.  Clearly I was not going to say anything that would prevent us from sailing Laughing


fastnet2009_015Back in 2007 when the crew of Arcsine were forced to retire from the Fastnet Race with mainsail damage Caleb, one of the crew said “this is unfinished business, Kathy you will do Fastnet in 2009 and I will come from were ever I am in the world” True to our word Arcsine was entered for 2009 and Caleb arranged to join us from Panama!

Some of the 2007 didn’t join us leaving room for Alan Glover from WSC, an Italian and a Swiss to join us.

It was Arcsine’s 3rd time on the start line and we were all keen and prepared for a slow race so how much water shall we take, how many dinners etc-I began to wish we’d gone for a watermaker!

YOBs Feva coaching day

img_5176On Tuesday 1st September, nine members of the YOBs were lucky enough to experience personal coaching from Niall Myant, the RYA National Feva Class Coach. This came about because I was involved in Race Management of the European Feva Championships in Ireland and the Feva Nationals at WPNSA, where I met Niall, who was coaching the British team. It was a sunny day but the wind was gusting over 20 kts. Niall checked with the youngsters that they were “up for it” and Richard Groves our safety officer agreed that we could take out three boats, staying close to WSC start line. 

WSC member OK Dinghy National Champion

OK Dinghy Champion
060727_154_terryCongratulations to Terry Curtis on retaining his OK National Championships held at Dabchicks Sailing Club, West Mersea.  Terry joined Weymouth Sailing Club this year and you may have seen him practicing in his OK earlier in the summer.  Following his 7th place finish in the OK World Championships in Sweden, Terry posted very consistent results to count two 1st and three 2nd places to take the 2009 National title.  His next big event is the OK Inland Championships later this month.
Terry and his family have recently completed a move to the area and subject to unpacking a few more boxes, will be showing us all the way round the dinghy race course soon

YCW Open Pursuit Race

On the afternoon of Saturday 26th September YCW will be hosting the annual Open Pursuit Race.  The course will be in Weymouth Bay from Viking II and is open to all Weymouth clubs' dinghies, keelboats and yachts.

 There will be a social event after racing at WSC including galley and prize giving.

 Check the YCW website and the Club notice board for more details.

Squib Picnic Race

Perfect weather for the Squib Picnic Race made a wonderful day's sailing for the six Squibs who took part on Sunday 16 August.  The race was started by Saskia VI with Mark Bugler, Rima Bascombe and family as Race Officers.  A quick beat to O was followed by a spinnaker run to Ringstead.  The Squibshe_vernon_prize_giving2s tied on behind anchored cruisers who joined the Squibs for their day out and Adrian Patterson and Nigel Lawrence in the safety boat ferried the crews ashore.  The beach was warm and sheltered for the BBQs on the pebbles.  The return beat back to O in a brisk wind was won by Alan and Deo McDine in Posh Totty but the overall prize for both races was won by Vernon and She Taylor in Hussy.

Photo: Ernie Lee who donated the trophy and instigated the annual event presents the trophy to the winning team.

Don't forget the photos

saskia_cherbourg_raceWhile the sun is still out, don't forget to get some good sailing shots to enter into the Club 2010 Handbook front cover competition. 

This stunning photo of Saskia VI was taken mid-Channel on the Cherbourg Race by Nick Frampton on board Sapphire.  Saskia VI and Sapphire 'match raced' the whole way across the Channel in wonderful conditions.

If you have any photos of your sailing summer they will be judged at the Commodore's Punch Party 19 December 2009.   Details of how to enter will be given nearer the date. 

Enjoy the sun and get those cameras out!

YOBs picnic


Sunday 2nd August - The YOBs held their now annual picnic on Redcliff beach, on what started out as a warm, sunny, light wind day, which was a real surprise after the weather we have seen lately. The YOBs sailed their dinghies across followed by the adults in their dinghies, overseen by Richard and Ron Groves in the safety boats.
We were also joined by a large amount of club cruisers, who helped ship parents and some of the younger children to the beach.
After anchoring all the boats the whistle was blown and most of the youngsters swam to shore with the less adventurous adults being transported on rubber dinghies. 
On the beach after picnics were eaten, Michelle Samways took control of the games (or tried to) with the tug of war being the most popular.  It was difficult to know which team won the games as there was too much cheating going on!yobs_swimming
The wind picked up in the afternoon to over 20 knots so the younger YOBs had to be spread out on to the cruisers and their dinghies towed back.
A few of the older YOBs sailed back across the bay without incidents .
Thanks to all the helpers, safety boat drivers and crews for making it another successful event plus all the keel boat owners who got all the youngsters and boats safely home.
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