Capers around Corfe with Caroline

Submitted by daddsie

All too suddenly, the last of Caroline Nairns monthly walks are over for another year...or possibly not!

A good group of club members assembled in the car park of the Bankes Arms in Corfe Castle early on a March Sunday morning.

Julia’s House - Queen’s Tea - Thursday 21st April

Submitted by wsc

Julia’s House Weymouth Friends’ Group are hosting afternoon tea to celebrate the 90th birthday of HM the Queen Elizabeth II 2.30pm - 4.30pm Thursday 21st April 2016 at Castle Cove Sailing Club Old Castle Road, Weymouth

Tickets £5 Call 01305 788994 or purchase from Julia’s House Weymouth Shop, St Mary Street

60 knots in the marina!

Submitted by steve

I was woken by the sound of the teapot hitting the cabin floor, and then heard the steady flogging of someone’s foresail unravelling in the howling wind – 0200, and the forecast storm was upon us, with gusts abruptly heeling the boat as if we were at sea. I spent a moment or two listening to ’Aliya’s’ rig to make sure all was well, and then peeped out of the hatch into the driving rain at what would soon be an ex-genoa on a boat opposite.

Change of the Clocks Signals Start of Pre-Season

Submitted by nik766

This Sunday 27th March the clocks move forward 1 hour at 1am signalling the start of WeymouthSC's pre-season and the start of British Summer Time. This year pre-season starts with the Spring Series, an open series aimed at the cruisers that just can't wait to get sailing.

On your Marks, get set, the season's (nearly) go!

All at C

Eight volunteers did some hard yards in a sharp Easterly wind by getting the race Marks back in the water last Sunday.

Led by Phil Norris and supported by, Gary Owens, Al Doughty, Nick Munson, Stephen Homan-Berry, Steve Staples, Roger Adams and Tim Day.

Cruisers start racing Next Sunday at 10:45 - Dinghies and Squibs get a lie in until the 9th April with the all-in pursuit race for the Tony Bennett trophy.

Prizegiving Survey

Submitted by wsc

We thought you might like to have a say regarding the annual prizegiving event...

Click here on this Survey Form and please let us know your thoughts! Just fill in as much or as little as you like and we'll try to make the event as appealing as possible for next year.

Yard Working Party - Thursday 17th March

Submitted by wsc

Thanks to everyone who came along today and gave a hand with the vegetation pruning.

Mark Bugler,Yard Coordinator

At last...

Submitted by steve

After all the bad weather, it was something of a relief to find myself on Friday once again heading for France, though the forecast was correct that the (at times) promising NE breeze died slowly away after midday, and I arrived off the Passe de l'Est at Cherbourg after a pleasant passage mostly motorsailing but with an interlude of actual sailing in the middle. As the sun went down I was glad to be in the marina with my new convector heater working well, and the prospect of a pleasant weekend ahead catching up with friends here.

Rules Talk - Fri 11th March

High Concentration

Chris Watts, the RYA Race Officer’s Education Officer, and our own World 2.4 champion Megan Pascoe, hosted a very interesting rules talk on Friday evening. These talks are fantastic opportunities to tap into high quality experience and everyone who attended must have come away with something that enhanced their understanding of either a rule, a definition, a situation to avoid, or perhaps an opportunity for competitive advantage! All for free - so many thanks to club members who make all this happen and to Megan for being such a positive supporter of the club.

Leviathan Update - Free Tickets for WSC Members at RDYC

Submitted by wsc

This weekend, 12th & 13th March sees the inaugural Weymouth Maritime Leviathan Literary Event taking place at a number of venues in Weymouth. The Royal Dorset has been chosen as one of the venues for key speakers and headquarters for the event. There are a number of high profile maritime speakers presenting at the event over the weekend and tickets can be purchased on line or at RDYC. The organisers have extended an invitation to all YCW members to attend any of the presentations held at RDYC free of charge. Program Here!

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