“A Marvellous Idea!”

Submitted by steve

The third trophy race took place as scheduled on Saturday, though the forecast clearly had an impact on the fleet as only two boats were on the line, RWH and Saskia VII. A brisk SW5, with the promise of more, indicated a course which came progressively back up into the bay – SRGBICQ – and so off we went to the Shambles.

Preparations for Cherbourg..

Submitted by steve

A brisk and chilly northeasterly drove ‘Aliya’ across the Channel to Cherbourg last weekend, so that I could continue arrangements for the rally in two weeks time, as well as attend the Nicholson 32 rally – and , as it turned out, attend the YCC Transmanche prizegiving, which had been postponed for a week.

Memories of a cruise to Cherbourg in 1953

Cherbourg trip 1953 - on deck

By Anthony Sargent, and Betty Sargent who wrote ‘SOLLYA GOES FOREIGN’ for the Yachting Monthly in 1953.

We have owned our little sloop for three years now and having cruised with the family to Salcombe two years running, we decided that it was time for ‘Sollya’ and the boys to cross the Channel. We planned to go first to Cherbourg and then slowly make our way via Alderney and St.Peter port, and then home.

Read the full article

Centenary Photoshoot

Submitted by she

On a bright and breezy Sunday morning, the great and the good of Weymouth Sailing Club found themselves on Greenhill Beach for a photoshoot which will be used to promote the club’s centenary celebrations. They were re-enacting the photo ‘After the First Race’ taken in 1913 and the two photos taken 100 years apart will become a focal display in the exhibition to be held in August and hopefully attract media coverage for the events.

“To Boldly Go…”

Submitted by steve

Shamblenauts Jon Tate and Kevin Connor (in that order) in RWH made history last Saturday as the first members of WSC to round the West Shambles mark in a club race, leading a fleet of six boats in the local alternative to Round the Island. After some start-line nerves at the thought of possibly falling off the edge of the world, the race proved to be a great success, the front three boats staying close all the way round a five-hour course, making the most of the impeccable conditions, with the northerly breeze meaning flat water all the way round.

Effusion Smashes It! Round the Island Class Win.

Submitted by jey297

Rick Bruton's "Effusion" showed the others the way to go in saturday's J P Morgan Round the Island Race. A regular competitor in this yearly circumnavigation of the Isle of Wight, Ricky and crew smashed it with a class win in ISC 6C, third in group and 37th overall. An absolutely fantastic performance.

Yacht Club de Cherbourg Enjoy a Great Visit to Weymouth

Submitted by steve

After a brisk start in NE 20 knots off the YCC club line, nine out of the original ten boats had what was agreed to have been a great crossing, with the wind, as forecast, shifting abruptly to SW 3-4 in the middle of the Channel, and the first boats arriving off the Shambles at around 1700 just as the RORC ‘Myth of Malham’ fleet were beating up to round Portland on their way to the Eddystone, which made for a crowded horizon as I tried to distinguish French boats at the buoy!

Yacht Club de Cherbourg at WSC this weekend!

Submitted by steve

The annual YCC Transmanche race, Cherbourg-Weymouth-Cherbourg, this weekend marks the beginning of the 100th/75th joint celebration between our two clubs this year. As always the forecast is for a blow overnight on Friday, so the start has been postponed to Saturday morning, and we expect the first crews to be arriving in the early evening - and first stop will definitely be WSC for a well-earned beer! Rumour has it that an Open 60 will be in attendance on a sizeable mixed fleet, which will be well worth watching arrive!


Submitted by chs815

Those of you using this iPhone or Android app (£4.99) will be delighted to hear that it now includes WSC racing marks. You will no longer get eyestrain looking for the buoy on those long spinnaker runs down to Ringstead!

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