Naming of Milo - Club 420

Submitted by mikeh70

Saturday 23rd of July saw the naming of a club 420. It was named by Malcolm and Jill Wright after their grandson Milo. This is the second boat Malcolm and Jill have sponsored, the first was one of the Optimists named after their granddaughter, Daisy. The naming was attended by Malcolm and Jill with their family. Also attending the ceremony were Sam Pascoe of Monkey Marine, Alex of Atlantic Spars, and a small group of our cadets with helpers. Most of you who race will have seen our YOBs sailing the 420's and with Milo, there are five 420's in the club all of which are raced regularly.

Megan Pascoe gives us a chance to try her 2.4 boats

Submitted by hopford

Megan Pascoe, club member and part of the Team GBR Paralympic Squad, let several people try her 2.4mR Class keel boats on Tuesday 26 July.

These wonderful boats are a joy to handle. With your head inches above the water, you steer with your feet and operate the sheets on a control panel in front of you. Even in a light wind in the harbour they respond to every puff and glide along effortlessly. They turn on a sixpence and are ideal for close-quarters racing.

The first picture shows Nick Frampton chasing Peter Hopford down the harbour outside the clubhouse.

Jubilee Cup 2011

Submitted by iain

Once again the Jubilee Cup was held in glorious conditions - sunny F4-5 from WSW - perfect Weymouth conditions. All classes started together for Average Lap Racing which was a laid trapezoid course.
This race is in aid of the RNLI and entrants pay a small fee to take part.

YOB's Evening Racing with Castle Cove Cadets

Weymouth Sailing Club YOBs joined up with another group of YOBs last Friday, the Castle Cove Sailing Cadets. We were invited over by Cadet Officer, Richard Bowers and Richard White the Club Commodore.

Richard Bowers had organised a fleet of Toppers for the youngsters to race for the evening but in the event, racing wasn't what they had in mind. Each race was for packets of sweets which were placed on top of some of the buoys. This meant all rules went out the door and it became a survival of the fittest!

SORC fleet at WSC

A foggy start line at J mark!

The Solo Offshore Racing Club (SORC) return to Weymouth this weekend, and will be having dinner at the club on Friday evening, before setting off on the sixth and final leg of their Channel Week on Saturday.

WSC help to publicise new Olympic adverts

Submitted by ven118

WSC was asked by M&CSAATCHI PR to help publicise new large poster advertisements placed around Weymouth and Portland. The posters are aimed at local people alerting them to the coming Olympics and the need to find out about how it will affect them.

New Longshed doors in place!

Vernon persuades the old latch it's time for a change!

Last week saw the completion of the new longshed doors, in their smart new frame, thanks to the labours of Vernon Taylor and Pete Jacobs. The project ended with the ritual transfer of the old Suffolk latch, whose special rattle has punctuated over half a century of members' use of the longshed and will hopefully continue to do so for at least another half century.

Chef Nigel Slater visits Weymouth harbour

Submitted by she

The Club was pleased to welcome celebrity chef Nigel Slater and his production team to film from the harbourside for Nigel's forthcoming television series. Nigel was pleased to hear that our Hon. Gen. Sec. is a fan of his work!

Well that was the Round the Island Race 2011....

Submitted by jey297

What a great weekend. Friday's delivery to Cowes was a blast; Rattler, Manana and FarrOut left Weymouth together and the two MG335s Tumbarumba and Crewcut were just in front. We had a lovely sail with a powered up dead deep kite run across Christchurch bay and plenty of surfs. When we turned the corner at the needles in about 23 kts and big waves the inevitable happened in the gybe and FarrOut had a little laydown, well quite a big lay down really.

Friends and Family

Submitted by she

On Friday 10 June, the RYA hosted a presentation at Weymouth Sailing Club for the Friends and Families of the Olympic sailors.  During the games the F&F will be based in WSC so it was good for them to be intoduced to their new home.  Commodore Mark Bugler welcomed them to the club and WSC members were on hand to play host and supply the group with tea and biscuits 

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