Viking II

 I'm sure you're all very impressed with the fantastic progress made in transforming 'Viking II' into the new WSC committee boat.  Don Cutler has been working tirelessly from dawn 'til dusk tackling the myriad of tasks.  I wouldn't be surprised to find a bed in the cabin with the amount of time he spends on the boat ! Don aboard in 'the early days'

Fortunately the weather has been kind to the team which has allowed some important milestones to be completed - particularly fitting of the windlass and completion of the hull paintwork and finally she is ready for launch.

Viking II will be launched down the slipway on Monday 6 April followed by Don at the helm for an important sea trial.  A naming ceremony and thank-you to the helpers will be held in the Club yard on Sunday 5 April at 15.00 hours. 

Sea and Safety Survival Course

A sign of increasing sailing ventures from Weymouth clubs, the ISAF Offshore Safety & Sea Survival Course ended up being oversubscribed. Held at Osprey Leisure Centre last weekend, this was the first time the 2-day course had been held in Weymouth. 16 members from both WSC & CCSC attended with others awaiting spaces. Another course may be held if there is enough interest (email 

This brilliant 2 day course was developed following the report into the 1998 Sydney Hobart Race, where tragically 6 lives were lost. The aim is to provide the essential practical skills and theoretical knowledge to react effectively when facing rough weather, emergency problems and abandonment at sea.  The first day concentrated on ISAF Offshore Safety.

RYA First Aid Course

 On Saturday 31 January, 12 members of our club took part in an RYA First Aid Course. The course was run by Tony Wood our local Onboard man who also happens to be a paramedic.


Tony managed to cover all areas needed to pass this course using his professional knowledge & past experiences, even though he had a crowd that could have passed for one of his Onboard training days.
 We would like to thank Steve Dadd for his input & maybe he could run over some of the jokes I didn't understand another time.

Mooring chain

Did you ever wonder where the Club's ground chains come from?studland_chain 

Well it's the used chain from the Studland ferry - yes, it's that stuff that you see lying by the side of the road by Studland Beach.

Messrs Brookman and Pitman negotiated with the ferry company and purchased the chain at a fraction of the cost of new.  Problem?  Delivery not included.

Prizegiving Dinner Dance

Weymouth Sailing Club annual Prizegiving Dinner Dance was held on Saturday 17 January 2009 at the Riviera Hotel Weymouth.  175 members and guests enjoyed an excellent meal followed by the handing out of trophies and dancing to 'The Crack'.  melita_speach

Commodore WSC Melita Biggs made a speech with a summing up of the year's sailing and thanked particulary Sue Ives and Josie Dadd for organising the evening and Sue Stow and Catherine Jacobs for collecting and sorting out the trophies.  Traditionally there is a competition to guess the length of the speech.  This year's winner was Mark Champion, crew on Saskia VI, who correctly guessed 11 mins 24 seconds.  Proceeds of £181 are donated to RNLI.

Many members stayed overnight at the hotel and took advantage of the swimming pool and other facilities on offer.  Guests at the dinner were the Mayor and Mayoress of Weymouth and Portland Tim Munroe and Alison Cocks, Commodore RDYC Gareth Peaston and Linda Peaston, Commodore CCSC Sara Lloyd and David Lloyd, Royal Naval Sailing Association Richard Stevens and Jenny Stevens and Coxswain Weymouth Lifeboat Andrew Sargent and Helen Sargent.

Photographs from the Riviera can be found at


Mooring replacement

moorings_1_11_jan_08Replacing the moorings is hard and dirty work, so the team who did the work on the pile moorings outside the clubhouse deserve a pat on the back.  On Saturday 10 January a day of weather of calm weather made the job possible and the team worked all day to replace the footropes and buoys. 

Thanks go to Peter Jackson for the use of his boat Solar (remember the bung next time Peter) which proved to be an ideal working platform.  The hardworking team lead by Steve Pitman was Kevin Connor, Charlie Parkes, Robin Clifton Dey, Vernon Taylor, David Summerhayes, Ricky Bruton, Steve Dadd, and Mark Bugler. moorings_2_11_jan_2009

Virtual Vendee Globe

While most of the boats are out of the water and most members tucked up under their duvets, some hardy souls are sailing single-handed around the globe and even doing sail changes in the middle of the night.

Geoff Webber writes to the editor ;   "I was wondering if there are any other WSC members taking part in the above  I started about 1 week into the race and invited the other crew members of La Salmo to join me. After weeks of battling I have managed to escape from Chris Olding and am currently in the top 1% of competitors. The rest of our merry band have had varying degrees of success.  1 has given up and is currently run aground on the west Africa coast.  I have 4 boats in all - I have had to create new ones to have more than one race to compete in.

My boats are La Salmo Weymouth (currently 3005th), Nil desperandum (which has run aground twice and missed a gate, but is still in front of Tony Beesons boats :-) ) Folio - MGC27 (hunting down Tony's boats) Rhumb Runner a late starter and going to do some odd routing later.

Chris Oldings boat is 060Lasalmo Tony Beesons boats are Toeknee (hmm!) Whitmore Racer (which he is denying all knowledge of - hoping to beat us and then claim victory in a sort of sneaky way. Unfortunately for Tony he is not good at keeping secrets and he is not very good at virtual sailing either!) I even have the promise of a bottle of wine from a very nice French man - with whom I had a private challenge on who got to each ice gate first."

Other Weymouth Sailing Club boats that we know of are FarrOut with Jez Rees and Glyn sailed by Peter Jackson.  Peter and Chris Olding are currently neck and neck going around the Horn.  Are there any more of you?

Squib walk


Lucky Break in The Weather For Squib Walk

 Sixteen adults two dogs and a small child took part in the Squib annual  walk on Sunday 11 Januuary. The weather was perfect for walking, just missing the freezing conditions of Saturday and the heavy rain on Monday. The triangular route took us up to the ridge above Abbotsbury and down via a different path. Most participants agreed the length was just right and agreed a drink and meal in the pub was to take precedence over any thought of a further sausage leg.

 Apart from the excellent views on this location other notable bits were the interesting routes taken by some people through the field with a bull, the object seemed to be to get someone with a red anorak between you and the bull without them noticing, and Mary lifting one of her dogs over a stile while the other waited after getting under the fence.

There may be another walk in February if there is enough interest. Contact Caroline Nairn to offer encouragement

Racing Marks

Sunday 4th January was a perfect day for lifting the Club's racing marks.  The forecast gave light winds after a seemingly endless nor'easterly which has made the bay uncomfortable for weeks.

2009 racing marksDuring the winter each mark is inspected, cleaned, worn chain or rope replaced and letters repainted.

This time the task was made pleasantly straight forward by using Woody's fantastic dive boat, which was very generously loaned to the Club at short notice. 

The job was completed by a strong team of hardy volunteers.  Many thanks to Woody, Steve Fraser, Steve Dadd, Ricky, Alan and Jake  who braved the freezing conditions and the surprises that each chain produced.  Fans of moules frites take note - Mark I is the place to go !

YOB's (Youths on Boats) Prizegiving Party

cadets_1A record number of YOBs with their families and friends gathered at the club for the annual YOBs prizegiving and disco on Friday 2nd Jan. Despite cold winter weather and the post Xmas blues the turnout was impressive. Although the poor weather during the summer prevented completion of the planned YOBs series of races, and accordingly the winning of the prizes for that, trophies were still awarded,.


Memorial Cup Cadet of the Year Tom Rees

Digby Cup Most Prominent Racer Sophie Atkins

Peter Rose Cup Most Impoved Thomas Williamscadets_2

Yates Challenge Cup Highest Achiever Cory Ronayne

WSC Cadet Cup Most Enthusiastic Alice Perrett

The If Only…!   Most Enteraining Alice Perrett

Autumn Dinghy Cup Autumn Series Ross & Craig Groves


Thomas Williams {TH as he is known by his friends} joined the party over the internet as he now lives in the Caribbean.

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