Cruiser and Squib Class Dinners 2008

Saturday 8 March Cruiser Class Dinner Book your place by downloading menu and sending with cheque to WSC for attention Steve Dadd.  Cruiser Class Dinner Booking Form 2008  

Saturday 15 March Squib Class Dinner.  Download form for details  Squib Class Dinner 2008

Mike welcomes you.

mike_staggMike Stagg has taken on the role of House Commodore at a very busy time of year in the Club.  A full winter programme including class suppers, talks and the decorating and maintenance weekend keep the Club thriving even on the coldest days.  There are even one or two boats continuing to race on Sundays.

The Galley is continuing to open on Friday evenings and weekends - check winter programme for confirmation and register your email address with the Gen Secretary to receive reminders.  Christian, the Club's wonderful French chef with his team, welcome you - treat your friends and family to a meal at the Club.


Prizegiving Dinner Dance 2008

mel2WSC Commodore, Melita Biggs, delivers her speech to a 180 members and guests who attended the Prizegiving and Dinner Dance at The Riviera Hotel, Bowleze Cove on Saturday 12 January.  The traditional competition, in aid of the RNLI, to guess the length of the speech, resulted in 3 correct guesses of 13 mins 34 seconds.  John Hasker won the bottle of port following a draw. 
The change of venue proved a popular choice with 80 members staying at the hotel overnight and taking advantage of the swimming pool and spa facilities. 

Highlight of the evening was the presentation of the club's trophies.  Dancing to the roadshow and local band 'The Crack' continued into the early hours.

Vice Commodore Mark Bugler said of the evening  "It was a great event. Best ever!"

To view photos taken at the event click on this link:


'Elton' to gig at WSC

elton_08_420x2841If you have been watching Saturday night television or reading the Dorset Echo, you will have heard of Weymouth teacher Ed Hintze who is currently competing against other top tribute acts as 'Elton John' in the BBC's 'The One and Only....' show'.  He has got through the first round and will be performing again at 6.25 pm this Saturday 12 January 2008.

Weymouth Sailing Club social secretaries have booked 'Elton' for the club's Start of Season Party on Saturday 26 April 2008.

'Good luck Ed!'  from Weymouth Sailing Club.

YOBs Prizegiving Party


This was a family event for YOBs, their parents, family members and friends and was attended by approximately 60 guests, which included a Presentation, Disco Buffet and Raffle.
The cups were presented by Club Commodore Melitta Biggs and were as follows:
Peter Rose Cup - Most Improved YOB - Tom Rees
Digby Cup - Most Prominent racer of the Year - John Bowden
Yates Challenge Cup - Highest academic Achiever of the Year - Charlotte Moss
WSC Cadet Trophy - Most Enthusiastic - Alice Norris
Memorial Cup - Cadet of the Year - Tom Lloyd
If Only......! - Most Entertaining - Alice Norris
The Disco and DJ was supplied free by two of the YOB parents who are also members of the Band 'The Hoosiers' who also donated their services to the Fund Raiser and Auction earlier in the year.
All prizes for the Raffle including a Chocolate Fountain, Bottles of Spirits and various cuddly toys were generously donated by Club Members.

Pippa sees the year out with Cherbourg trip.

dsc03166In a brief window between SW and Easterly gales, I hopped off to Cherbourg in Pippa for essential supplies - flat calm on the way over, having met with about 8 dolphins at dusk just before the shipping lanes, and, after a busy evening negotiating these, arriving at 1 am to find a very empty marina! One day ashore and an early night on New Year's Eve. to be woken by sirens (not that kind) at 11pm, and then left at 0330 to be up with the shipping at first light - a pleasant if slightly chilly day motor-sailing home in time for Kay and Kevin's New Year Party.

Photo: Pippa crosses the shipping lanes.
Steve Fraser

RWH capsizes in Harbour

boxing_day_2007_0761The Boxing Day Frostbite Trophy finished in spectacular fashion for the two JS9000 RWH and Wooloomooloo who tacked in looking for the better breeze and went aground by the groyne on the south side of the harbour on a falling tide.  Kevin Connor's RWH was pulled free by the Club Committee Boat 'Viking' but lost her keel and the boat capsized throwing the crew into the water.  The Club safety boat and Viking effected an efficient rescue of the crew and the boat. The keel was later located and recovered by Kevin Connor.

Wooloomooloo was refloated on the rising tide at 17.00 hours.


'Shiver me timbers'

boxing_day_c_seven_fancy_dress_winnersPirates took over Weymouth Sailing Club after racing on Boxing Day.  Several boat crew dressed as pirates and were judged by Club members.  The buccaneers who got the most applause were the crew of C Seven, Steve and Sue Ives.  Steve was a particularly impressive Davy Jones with some frightening octopus tentacles! 

A buffet lunch, as is tradition, was provided by the sailors.  Daphne Samways and Freda Hasker put the lunch together and provided more than enough food for all.  

Photo:  Vice Commodore Mark Bugler presents a bottle of wine to the winners

Peter retires


 WSC Commodore Melita Biggs made a presentation of an engraved tankard to Peter Luckett and thanked him for his many years of work for the Club.  Peter has been organising the Bar for 15 years  and has held the position of Rear Commodore House for the last four years.   

Thank you Peter, from all the Club members and we hope that we will continue to see you around the Clubhouse for many more years.

Boxing Day Racing

boxing_day_2007_0141Boxing Day racing started in very light winds but luckily the breeze filled in from north west enabling the races to be completed.  A fleet of 30 keelboats provided a spectacle for families out for a stroll as they tacked up the harbour.  Race Officer Commodore Melita Biggs finished the race outside of the Clubhouse with the traditional club canon. 

The Squibs had 7 boats competing for the Icebreaker Trophy. The winner was David McCune in Inky Finger.   The Frostbite Trophy for Cruisers was won by Saskia VI with helm Mark Bugler. 

Photo: Club Bosun Kevin Sear makes sure that everything goes with a bang.                  

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