Seasonal Parties

commodores_punch1_2007 Commodore Melita Biggs with Terry Goldsmith and Vice Commodore Mark Bugler toast club members at the Commodore's Punch Party.  The Club has been alive with seasonal spirit.  The very successful Christmas Supper with dancing in the Longshed was followed by a Christmas lunch for the 'coffee club' members.  Still to come are the RNLI Carol Service on the harbourside on Friday 21 December, the Boxing Day Fancy Dress lunch after the Frostbite/Icebreaker Trophy Race and a New Year's Eve special menu. Many thanks to the House team for all their work.

At the Commodore's Punch Party members chose the photograph to be used on the 2008 Handbook front cover.  Read on to see the winning photograph.

New Year's Eve Dinner

Weymouth Sailing Club chef, Christian Lohez, will be putting on a special menu for New Year's Eve.  New Years Eve Dinner 2007-08  Please contact the House Team at WSC for details and to reserve a place. 

Film of WSC 1978 !

During last winter's social programme, Mark Bugler showed an old film of Weymouth Sailing Club taken in 1978.  The film was an old Weymouth Cine club film.  The evening brought back many memories to older members and created a lot of interest.

This film has finally been transferred to DVD which will be for sale to members from behind the Bar for £6 each from this Saturday onwards.  More can be ordered if demand exceeds supply. They might make a good "stocking filler" this Christmas.  Please speak to Mark to find out more about this wonderful film.

Winter sailing


This Sunday's race took place in a brisk, bitterly cold NE F4-5.  Despite the cold there was a healthy turnout of PY and IRC yachts.  november_2007_005Gale force winds have prevented an unprecendented three Sundays in this 6 race series.  Going into the final race of this series  the IRC class is lead by Mike Street in Jacobite; Paul Barford in Sole Bay is leading the PY yachts and Alan and Deo McDine in Jumble lead the Squib fleet.    One week to Christmas, but more importantly, only two races left until the end of the year.

Don't forget your fancy dress for the Boxing Day race.

Prizegiving and Dinner Dance Sat 12 January 2008


Prizegiving and Dinner Dance Riviera Hotel, Bowleze, Saturday 12 January 2008 from 18.30 hours, with dancing to local band 'The Crack'.   Details of menu etc. are listed on the downloadable booking form. Please post your form with payment to the Club, for attention the Social Secretaries.

Booking Form Prizegiving Dance

If you wish to book a room overnight at the Riviera the price is £17.00 per head B & B  with full use of all the hotel facilities.    Contact the Riviera Hotel direct to make bookings.  (NB a lot of members have gone already booked rooms, so it should be a good night.)   Breakfast on the Sunday morning will be served between  9.30 - 10.30 hours.

Bonfire Night Supper

A Bonfire Night supper available from the Galley from 18.00 hours.  Get a good view of the fireworks on Weymouth Beach from the roof terrace.  Firework display commences 19.20 hours.

End of Season Party

end_of_season_partyWeymouth SC members celebrated at their End of Season Party on Saturday 27 October 2007.   An excellent supper was provided by chef Christian Lohez and the members then joined in the popular songs provided by 'Will Sings'.  It was a very enjoyable night and members were thankful to have an extra hour's sleep.  Many thanks to Sue Ives and Josie Dadd for organising the evening.

The Christmas Supper - Saturday 8 December is now being advertised.  It is usually a sell-out so get your booking in soon. 

Of course these day the Autumn/Winter sailing season is still in full swing, with the Open series attracting some of the biggest fleets of the year.  The Galley is still opening on Friday evenings, Saturday lunchtimes, Saturday evenings and Sunday lunchtimes.  Check with your winter programme.

Cookery evening with 'The Wild Chef'


Club members and friends enjoyed the first of WSC 'Wild Chef' Christian’s cookery evenings on Wednesday 25 October 2007.  They spent four hours in the kitchen with the top chef learning how to prepare a selection of dishes and tips to make cooking easier and more interesting.  At the end of the evening the group sat down to eat the food that they had prepared and to enjoy a well earned glass of wine.


The group went home delighted with Christian’s energetic coaching and enthusiastic to try out their new found skills.

Raffle in aid of the Chesil Trust

chequedonation The club held a raffle during the Henri-Lloyd Weymouth Regatta in August in aid of the Chesil Trust, which helps young people make a start in sailing. Last year we donated money for youngsters to have one-day taster sessions.  This year the money raised at Weymouth Sailing Club, together with that from an auction of promises at the Royal Dorset, is going to enable two of the most promising children to progress to RYA Level 2.  The picture shows Peter Hopford, chairman of the Regatta Committee, handing a cheque for £657.00 to Bill Ludlow, chairman of the Chesil Trust, together with the two lucky beneficiaries and their instructor.  Many thanks to all those members that bought tickets. 

Peter Hopford, Chairman, Yacht Clubs of Weymouth Coordinating Committee, 01305 263524 

A message from TS Pelican

pelicanWSC club member Jon Stevens is aboard TS Pelican on her maiden voyage to the Caribbean.  He has sent this message to the Club from the end of the second stage to Tenerife.

Update received from Jon 18.10.07  "We arrived in Tenerife this morning, had a great sail from Lisbon and Porto Santo 25 knots of wind right behind us and sunshine all the way here!  We have a few final things onboard to sort out and get provisions before we leave for Barbados on Sunday. It should take about 3-4 weeks to cross the Atlantic."

Jon will be well known to most Club members as being one of the intrepid duo (more recently likely to be a trio since Jessica Dadd has joined the crew) who sail DESTINO.

 Good luck to Jon and the crew of TS Pelican as they head off across the Atlantic.

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