YCW Dinghy Regatta

Dinghy Regatta June 07On Saturday 2nd and Sunday 3rd June 2007 the Yacht Clubs of Weymouth hosted a dinghy regatta for Wayfarers, Larks and Scorpions, plus two mixed handicap fleets.

92 boats entered including all of the new YOB's RS Fevas seen in the photograph getting rigged for the start.  Light winds and good sunshine made this event a great success.  Many thanks go to the committee and volunteers who organised the weekend.


Dinghy Regatta Sat 2nd/Sun 3rd June

Racing in Weymouth Bay for Larks, Scorpions, Wayfarers plus fast and slow handicap classes.  Up to 3 races per day.  Prizes for both days for all classes.  There's a good forecast for the weekend.  Only 2 days to go !

RS Feva Project for Youth on Boats (YOBs)

As a result of identifying the need to provide better facilities for the Youth Section of the Club, a number of local industries were approached by Phil Samways, Youth Section Coordinator, to sound out their interest of sponsoring new craft for proposed use by the expanding youth section. 


Portwey Letting, Universal Engineering (Charlestown) and Kitchen Craft were the first three of several local companies who have offered to become sponsors  and make available funds to put towards the purchase of a fleet of RS Feva dinghies for the YoBs as part of the Club drive to improve facilities for those younger members. 

Racing Rules Corner

John Croydon has produced his second Racing Rules.  Members can respond to this article in the Forum section


I think most people have problems with the start because a couple of the rules change during the starting procedure.

However, let’s first have a look at the definition of “start” in the rules, because some people get a little confused about when they actually start a race. You have to have been totally on the pre-start side of the line after the starting signal (and taken any penalties you might have picked up) and you “start” as soon as any part of the boat, crew or equipment then crosses the start line in the right direction.

Click 'read more' to continue this article

Launch Day!

feva_1After months of fundraising and reams of paperwork and thanks to the generosity of a host of sponsors, the YOB's fleet of RS Feva dinghies headed out into Weymouth Bay for their first sail.  On Friday 27 April 07, despite a chilly evening and a brisk breeze the cadets, dressed in their wetsuits provided by O3 Wetsuits, enjoyed an evening on the water. 

This remarkable achievement in a such a short time has been the result of a lot of work by a group of club members.

Good luck to the YOB fleet in 2007.  Happy Sailing!

Racing Rules Corner

John Croydon is writing a series easy-to-read articles on the Racing Rules.  The first on the basic port - starboard rule can be read by clicking on 'Read More' at the bottom of this paragraph.  It is also published in the Forum section under 'Sailing' - 'Racing at WSC'.  In this section you can have your say on the article - congratulate John or get controversial.  That is what a Forum is for. 

Thank  you to John for having this idea. Keep an eye out for future Racing Rules in the Forum section in future weeks.

Social Reminders

START OF SEASON PARTY Saturday 28th APRIL 2007 'It's a Swing Thing' - swing duo.

Tickets available at the Bar: £10 with Buffet, without Buffet £3

RS Feva project for WSC Cadets (YOBs - Youth on Boats)



Photograph shows WSC Cadet Organser, Phil Samways receiving a cheque from Brian Cookson of Kitchen Craft, one of the initial three local industry sponsors  who have made available the funds to purchase RS Feva dinghies for the YoBs, as part of the Club drive to improve facilities for our Youth Section. 


The YoBs have also been pleased to hear that their application for a grant towards the acquisition of that fleet of brand new training dinghies has been approved by Sportsmatch, the national agency responsible for allocation of funds to youth groups seeking to improve their capabilities.  The commercial support offered by Sportsmatch is given as a result of them matching, pound for pound, the support of the three local businesses who have each committed to purchasing one dinghy each, Kitchen Craft (above), Portwey Letting and Universal Engineering.  The fleet is now on order and will be delivered to allow use in the forthcoming season.  More information on Sportsmatch, more local companies and groups supporting the initiative and the activities arranged by YoBs when we see the boats on and of the water at the Club Open Day in May. 

Low Tides

beach_outside_club_lifeboatAn exceptionally low tide on Tuesday 20 March 2007 created a beach in front of the Clubhouse.  Steve Dadd took these photos of the lowest tide this year at only 0.03 metre above chart datum.

See next page for photo of the slipway.

Cruiser Class Dinner


Over seventy cruiser class members filled the Club for their annual dinner, on Saturday 10 March, with tables decorated with red and yellow tulips topped with a black twizzle.  Diners sat down to a duck and lamb feast.
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