Cocktail party

rnli_chequeWSC hosted a very successful Cocktail party on Saturday 3 March.  Representatives from other sailing clubs, marine agencies, the local authority, business associates and neighbours were welcomed by WSC Club members. 

Commodore Melita Biggs presented a cheque for £1,000 to the RNLI.  The cheque was received by Weymouth Lifeboat Chairman John Harvey and Coxswain Andrew Sergeant.

Melita outlined the Club's 2007 programme and thanked all the sponsors who had given money towards the YOBs dinghy programme.

Rules Evening with John Croydon

Thursday 8th March at 7:30pm

All members are invited and encouraged to attend an evening presentation and workshop on the Racing Rules of Sailing by John Croydon.  You may have noticed in the 2007 Handbook that Section 3 - ‘Sailing Instructions’ - has changed significantly and this will be covered too. Bring along your own rule book, your handbook plus pen and paper – oh, and your wallet as the Bar will be open! Laughing

Galley extension and refurbishment

kitchen_dave_workingChef David Stevens working in the newly refurbished galley which is now open again for food, as listed in the Winter Programme.

Many thanks to all the members who worked hard to get the work done in just a few weeks, and have provided the galley staff with more space and new cooking and refrigeration equipment.

Amended dates:

Because of refurbishment work in the Galley, the date of the Cocktail party has been changed to Saturday 3 March.  Confirmation of Class Dinner dates: Cruiser Class 10 March, the Squib Class 24 March and Dinghy Class 7 April 2007.  A full amended winter programme is being published and will be posted with the Handbooks. 

New Trophies

Pitcher Cup presentationThe Club has been given two new trophies for 2007 season.  Pam Mort and her family have donated a silver tankard in memory of Neville, which will become a Squib fleet trophy. 

The daughters of David 'Inky' Pitcher have donated a silver trophy which will be awarded to a Cadet each season.  Commodore Melita Biggs received the Cadet trophy on behalf of the Club from Davidina Annetts and Rachel Hewitt. 

2007 YCW Spring Series

Well done to Wild Child who won the YCW Spring Series, narrowly beating Snowgoose and Simba.  The final race took place on Sunday 29th with a forecast that promised to be windy compared to previous weeks, however the wind dropped again resulting in a game of snakes and ladders!  Hooligan won by a small margin to Simba and Snowgoose.

Sunday 22nd.  Another light wind race!  The forecast that the light SE breeze would veer and increase looked promising, unfortunately it didn't happen until after the finish.  Wild Child won with a healthy margin, followed by Simba and Hooligan.

Sunday 15th.  Thank you sea breeze!  Again, the start was delayed but fortunately the breeze arrived.  A windward/leeward course and an olympic course were set for 10 boats on a glorious spring day.  Snowgoose, Manana and Chuckles Too sailed well, but got pipped by Wild Child who narrowly won on handicap.

Sunday 8th.  The series started with a short postponement whilst RO Derek Abbott waited for the breeze to fill in to a very welcome 6-8 knots.  An olympic course was set which was won by Simba.  Snowgoose finished second and Iduna third.


We are planning to do a lot of work this year and need as many volunteers as possible.  Please turn up from 08.30 hours with brushes and rollers, and most importantly home-made cakes!!   Please empty all new unpainted wooden lockers and LEAVE THEM OPEN.

Boxing Day 2006

simbasmallThe keenly fought for Frostbite Trophy was won this year by Simba with Ricky Bruton and helmed by Bob Turner.   A good turnout of 24 cruisers competed this year on a cold grey morning.  Boats are traditionally gunned across the finish line outside the Clubhouse, by cannons.  For complete results go to the Result pages.  Cruiser IRC results are also available - for information only!

Photo:  Simba approaches the finish.

If you're in the water through the Winter and interested in an Open series of races on four Sunday mornings in February and March then contact .   Prizes after racing each day, details will be published soon.

Handbook Cover 2007

 Commodore's Punch Party

Handbook 2007smallThe Commodore invited members to join her for a glass of hot punch on Saturday 16 December. 

Each year the Club holds a competition for the photograph to become the Handbook cover for the following year and invites members to submit entries.   The selection takes place at the Commodore's Punch Party with members voting for their favourite photograph.  This year there was the usual abundance of entries of varying subjects and a lot of discussion regarding the merits of each of the submissions.  The winner was a photograph of Shamrock taken by Paul Wyeth at the 2006 Regatta.

This year there was also a very successful auction of marine pictures in aid of the Youth on Boats (YOBs) which raised £200.   

Weymouth Sailing Club elects a new Commodore.

The 2006 AGM elected a new Commodore.  AGM 2006

 Melita Biggs takes over from Peter Hopford and becomes the 29th Commodore of Weymouth Sailing Club and its first lady Commodore.  Mark Bugler was elected Vice Commodore.

Peter Hopford hands over the Commodore burgee to Melita.

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