Soaking up the New Year’s Spirit

Submitted by steve

A turnout of 4 eager beavers celebrated the first club race of 2012 despite forecasts for strong breezes and a distinct lack of boats on the moorings. Steve Fraser encouraged Jacaranda a 44 footer from Portland Harbour to join Snowgoose, Echo and Draig O’r Mor on the start line. Euan McNair again kindly provided committee boat and RO Steve Dadd set a good course with the finish outside the Clubhouse. The race was on, together with a race to the bar before the predicted downpour around noon.

Boxing Day isn't Boxing Day without sailing

Submitted by daddsie

Twenty seven boats ventured out onto the water Boxing Day morning to take part in Weymouth Sailing clubs annual festive sailing event.

Christmas at the club

Submitted by daddsie

Saturday evening witnessed ninety four members and guests squeeze in to the club for the annual Christmas party, with traditional fayre, games, music and a very special announcement.

Old Photos of the Harbourside

Submitted by jey297

We were sent some photos by Reg Paveley of the Royal Dorset of the harbourside area in the sixties(?).

Can anyone identify where these photos are taken from and when? Answers on Facebook page please.....

AGM Notes for 2011

Submitted by daddsie

WSC held its 92nd AGM on Saturday 3rd December with Jeremy Rees stepping up as vice commodore after Steve Fraser's decision to step down.

Rounding the Shambles - in the 17th Century!

Submitted by steve

The latter end of the ebb and a backing forecast - what better way to make the most of the November sunshine than to spend an afternoon exploring the Shambles! I find the topography of the bank fascinating, with its strange tentacular shape caused by the regular ebb and flow of the tide over it.

Useful Information at your Fingertips

Submitted by jey297

Whether you have a smart phone or not (I don't), I've come across a useful website which could save you a few quid when planning next year's destinations. The almanac section even gives ready to use passage plans, though no substitute for working through it yourself I know. Give the site a look:

Jez Rees

Winter on the water - and in the yard

Submitted by steve

An easterly sea in Weymouth Bay is always exciting and this week's Sunday afternoon race took place in 20-25 knots of wind, with steep seas to climb over and then surf down going the other way. Four Squibs took on the challenge, along with around fifteen keelboats split between W class and IRC. Farr Out won the 'most alarming gybe' prize, though Steve Dadd in Rumrunner was certainly on the podium! Kevin Connor's RWH was enjoying the lead until the conditions found a weak link in the mainsheet fixing...

October Shopping in Cherbourg

Submitted by steve

The clock was about to go back, but the weather was still warm, so we sailed…The intention had originally been Guernsey, but a big spring tide and headwinds did not suit, so the start was delayed 24 hrs and Cherbourg it was.

Things that go bump and grind in the night

Submitted by daddsie

Halloween, All Hallows Eve, Festival Of The Dead, Summers End Festival or whatever you want to call it, was celebrated Saturday evening at the club

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